Cyberpunk Damsel

Cyberpunk-Damsel.jpgI guess maybe I've been on a post-apocalypse kick with the photography lately.

A couple weeks after I did the shoot with Chaste, I ended up doing a similar concept with Damsel.

Typically, I actually do a lot of photoshoots in my studio, so being able to get outside and do some higher concept stuff was really fun.

I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think. The girls and I always like feedback.


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Woah, really cool photo. Somehow it reminds me of some MadMax movie.

thank you. I'm glad you enjoy them. Since the characters are based on the real girls I like to feature them here as often as I can.

We were definitely going for king of a MadMax look when we did that shoot. It was in a junkyard. Some of the others are even more in that style.

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