Ask Sarah: October 2008 Archives

Do you have a question about love, sex, romance, modeling, dating, sex, particle physics, hyperdrive engineering or really kinky sex? Well, the Hellcats' own Dr. Sarah Prankha is here to help you. Send your questions to and Sarah will pick her favorites to answer right here.

While not a licensed relationship therapist, Dr. Sarah Prankha did graduate with honors from the Academy for Science Soldiers, and is renowned in several scientific fields throughout the Federated Union of Confederated Kingdoms. She has authored several papers regarding hyperwarp technology and is one of the foremost authorities on F-T-L travel throughout the known Cosmos (discounting the forbidden Omicron sector, of course). Again, while having no formal training in relationship therapy, she is wicked HOT and has kissed many boys and made them cry. She is also a ten-time Intergalactic Wet T-shirt champion.

Ask Sarah: Music

I just LOVE the energy Riley put's in her performance of the only song worth playing in Guitar hero III.


That made me dig kinda deep down in my ancient collection of dusty LP's and kickstart the vinyl lathe. Grinding down some Mountain(s). It sure brings back almost faded memories.


Tell me Sarah, will there be created such great music again in the future or should I stop maintaining my vinyl lathe ???


Rock on, cheers the one and only Stealth Oracle





I think you're confusing "space" with "future." I'm not from the future. Just because your silly planet hasn't figured out intergalactic space travel and is still centuries away from creating it, doesn't mean my planet is from the "future." We are just smarter than you.


That being said, I TOTALLY love those music games. Guitar Hero is fun, but I'm partial to singing on Rock Band. Oh and the drums, but I still can't seem to get the foot pedal and hand movement independent of one another.


 But I'm not able to tell you about the future of music. Chances are music will be good again. Everything in the universe turns out to be cyclical.


Also, what do you mean by "vinyl"? That's something you wear, silly, not something that plays music.





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