Ask Sarah: September 2008 Archives

Do you have a question about love, sex, romance, modeling, dating, sex, particle physics, hyperdrive engineering or really kinky sex? Well, the Hellcats' own Dr. Sarah Prankha is here to help you. Send your questions to and Sarah will pick her favorites to answer right here.

While not a licensed relationship therapist, Dr. Sarah Prankha did graduate with honors from the Academy for Science Soldiers, and is renowned in several scientific fields throughout the Federated Union of Confederated Kingdoms. She has authored several papers regarding hyperwarp technology and is one of the foremost authorities on F-T-L travel throughout the known Cosmos (discounting the forbidden Omicron sector, of course). Again, while having no formal training in relationship therapy, she is wicked HOT and has kissed many boys and made them cry. She is also a ten-time Intergalactic Wet T-shirt champion.

Ask Sarah: Reproduction

Hi Sarah,


When I was a little girl (on planet Earth) and first heard about "test tube babies", I thought "what an awesome development!"  Later I was disappointed to learn that this did not mean that babies grew to term in the test tube, but still had to do that in a woman's uterus (which of course causes all kinds of hassles for that woman!).  And after all these years, there are STILL no developments on this front. So my question to you is: Does this technology exists on other planets, and if so, can you bring it to Earth?




Not a Host





One thing I've always pondered about Earth women is their birth control. I mean, you take in cats and dogs and you cut them open to keep them from procreating... and yet you refuse to do it to yourselves. I did that *ages* ago and I couldn't be happier.


Unfortunately, from what I have seen of the universe, if you are a warm blooded being -as I believe you are - those little suckers have to be parasitic. And I've seen Alien. We all know that there are no viscously terrifying, face hugging, stomach exploding alien race out there. (At least not one I've ever run across). Nope, that was your species metaphor for human pregnancy.


This isn't to say there haven't been ANY new technologies in the realm of reproduction. I was once invited to the parthenogenesis planet Lizardia for a baby shower. I stayed for like, one hot minute. I mean, can you imagine? An entire planet devoid of men? Pregnancy without sex? Honestly, what's the point


But it exists. So maybe that's something your planet should look into.





Ask Sarah: Underthings

Hi Sarah!

Big fan here... and while I don't think I have a ton of "issues" I do need some advice.  My boyfriend lives far away from me.  And while it's not the kinds of light-years of travel you're used to dealing with as far as distance, I only get to see him maybe one weekend out of any month, sometimes even less.  I really like to make sure our visits together are totally fantabulous and my problem is this: I need more cute underthings to wear when I want to show off for him.  I've tried going shopping at the mall, but places like Victoria's Secret seems to think girls should look like little baby dolls or else like total whores... and I don't like either of those looks on me!  So please tell me, where do you manage to find all your super sexy and fun lingerie?  I figure a smart girl-on-the-go like you must know all the best places in the universe to shop.

Thanks sooooo much!
Planning for A New Thong In Earth's Solar System


Planning a Thong -

I have a secret. Traveling at the speed of light is really fast. But when you're coving distances as far apart as galaxies... well, even going that fast there is still a lot of downtime. So  you know what I do? I sew.


Yes, I know. Sewing? But she's like totally super smart and she has a Ph.D and all that jazz.  Sewing goes against everything she worked hard for. But, it turns out, I really like sewing. It's a really good way to pass the time.


Also, consider this: There is no sexy space traveling outfit store at any mall in any galaxy. And trust me, I've probably been to every mall in every galaxy. Someone has to outfit the other hellcats.


So the point is this: You know what you like. You know what you look good in. Sew it yourself! And don't worry about how the seams will hold up or how well made you first few attempts will turn out. If the work is a little shaky, well, use it to your advantage and have him rip it off of you.


Super sexy!





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