Guest Strips

So Max and I did this thing between our last story arc of Cosmic Hellcats and the current one where we had a week long break for guest strips while we prepared for the next story. 

We sort of want to do it again. We're maybe a month or two from concluding this storyline and we like to stay ahead of things, so we were wondering if anyone out there wants to do a guest strip for us. We would of course be linking it out to your strip or website and pimping you off and good stuff like that. 

We'd need the strips done in the next month or so, though they wouldn't be appearing til after the current story is done (the month after that).

Let us know if you're interested. Either by commenting here or emailing us at Once we hear from everyone we'll talk things over and decide who would fit in best and stuff like that and we'll get back to you.


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hello guys i'm interested in playing with your cats again :-)

that would definitely be cool.

I'm reading over the strips now... I need to be funny... which may be beyond my skills... but I would like to try! :D ---Guy

wonderful. Let us know.

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