A Giant Mess - 7-14-08

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For those who haven't read the first issue of the print version of Cosmic Hellcats, you'll note that Sui'ggiy uses the insult "insolent whelp" but he tries really hard to come up with something else. Insolent Whelp is the only insult Rigellians know.

And you'd know that if you had the comic. Which you should I mean hey, it's only 5 bucks. We're poor starving artists here. Help us out.

FWIW, in response to Mav's request for feedback, I like the "move the plot along" episodes better than the "funny" episodes. Newspaper serial comics have to repeat the same plot point seven times in case someone misses it, but you guys don't! Of the past four or five episodes, one was a 4th of July special, and the others have all basically been the same sex joke. It's not even really funny, since the sex-kitten thing is an established character point already. It's like when the Joker makes a terrible pun: the writer isn't going to get a laugh, but he has to do it because that's who the Joker is. (But the Joker's pun only takes up a frame and then we get to move on to the next BIF! or POW!)

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