photoshoots: April 2011 Archives

Meet the new Hellcats

Bella Poster.jpgYesterday's comic introduced three new Cosmic Hellcats, Sven, Vixen and Bella. Like the original Hellcats (and the Starfoxes) Vixen and Bella are designed based on real life models that I've worked with as a photographer. Both girls are scheduled to appear with Max and myself (and other Hellcat models) at Pittsburgh comicon this coming weekend. So come on down if you can make it. And if you can't, well, here's a look at what you'll be missing.

You might notice that the girls are wearing slightly different uniforms in their photos than they (and Damsel) are wearing in the current story arc. Well, keep reading because all will be explained soon.

In any case, I certainly hope to see as many people there as possible. We'll be selling the new book and signing that and merchandise and the girls will be posing for photos.

Keep an eye on this space for more new features to come.


Vixen Poster.jpg

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