fanpics: July 2008 Archives

Fan Photo from Mickey Sacks

It's been a while since I posted any new notes here, other than the comic. I certainly hope everyone has been enjoying it. Please, let us know, either by commenting on the comics themselves (you can create an account or simply click "comment anonymously" or by sending us mail at

Hopefully we'll get some new sketches up in the sketchbook soon. In the meantime, we're happy to share this fanpic from flickr user, Mickey Sacks. Mickey is also petitioning for a  place being a future Hellcat. Now that we've had several people ask, I'm going to issue a formal challenge. If you'd like to be a Hellcat in a future storyline (or perhaps a TEDD-IJA, like Kennedy), then please send a picture of yourself dressed as a Hellcat to us at Maybe one day you'll be in the comic.

And we'd still like to see hand drawn fan art as well. It's been a while since we got any of those submitted. So if you'd like to take a shot at drawing the Hellcats, please do so and send it to us and we'll post that here as well. Maybe one day we'll even have a week of guest strips or something that people can do. But one step at a time.

Anyway, what do you think? Should Mickey be the next Hellcat?


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