announcements: August 2011 Archives

Baltimore Comicon 2011 Photos

BCC2011-5.jpgCheck it out! Right on time with photos from Baltimore Comicon 2011! I rule! (yeah, don't expect this to be a habit.)

Anyway, Max and I went to Baltimore Comicon last weekend. As you can see from today's comic as well as the main photo on this entry, we not only took Sarah with us, but we also brought Riley along to her very first comic book convention. Some of you might remember that Riley was supposed to be with us in Pittsburgh this year, but a mishap with her uniform meant she couldn't make it. That problem was remedied however and she was available at the Cosmic Hellcats booth to take photos with our fans all last weekend. As you can see from this photo as well as the Cosmos from today, Riley's inaugural trip was not without a bit of adventure, but hopefully she agrees to come to future shows nonetheless.

Lots of people showed up for the costly contest this year, so I have even more photos than normal. No complaints. I'm always amazed at what people come up with.

Baltimore was a great show and we look forward to going back next year. 

If you have any photos with us or the girls from Baltimore Comicon (or any of the others we've gone to) please mail them to us at so we can post them here.

Thank you to everyone who came out to meet us this weekend, and watch this space for updates to other conventions that we'll be attending.


Pittsburgh Comicon 2011

PghCC2010-15.jpgOk, these are late, but not as late as the Baltimore Comicon 2010 pics I posted yesterday.

Pittsburgh Comicon 2011 was way back in April. Max and I were joined by Chaste and Delilah for this one. Delilah was nice enough to come out in costume even though she wouldn't actually be debuting in the comic for several more months at that point.

Among the other photos here, you'll see a couple that I'm particularly happy about. I got a chance to get my photo taken with comics legends Jim Starlin and George Pérez. Starlin, in particular is of note because without his work on Dreadstar the whole concept of space epic comics might not even exist. And so without that, there'd certainly be no Hellcats. Both he and Pérez were great to meet as was everyone else at the con (just like always). Pittsburgh is the hometown show for Max and I, so it's always a lot of fun.

I want to give a special shout out to Chewbacca pictured in the main pic with me here. He won the annual Cosplay contest, and by all rights he absolutely should have. The entire costume was handmade and maybe the best convention outfit I've ever seen.

I'll be back tomorrow with a special Cosmos from Baltimore Comicon 2011 and that should have us completely caught up on con pics. 


Baltimore Comicon 2010 (Finally!)

BCC2010-11.jpgYes, that's right, 2010!

Max and I went to Baltimore Comicon 2011 last weekend (more on that soon) and while I was going through all the pictures I took at it, I realized that I'm a horrible awful person and I never got around to posting the pictures I took last year at Baltimore Comicon 2010. Better late than never, right?

Well, it's going to have to be!

Anyway, I figured I might as well do that now. And tomorrow I'll put up pics from Pittsburgh Comicon 2011. And then by Saturday, I should be caught up with pics from Baltimore Comicon 2011. 

You know, assuming I don't slack off more. (I'm trying not to... I promise!)


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