announcements: April 2011 Archives

Do You Have any Hellcats Art?

bella painting.jpgSpeaking of the new Hellcats, Bella was so happy with being chosen as one of the new Hellcats that she decided to paint a picture of herself. We always like when the girls themselves contribute so I was excited to post it as soon as possible.

But that brings up something very important. Do you have any Cosmic Hellcats artwork? A picture you drew? Or yourself in cosplay as a Hellcat character (one of ours or one of your own creation)? If so mail it to us at and we'll post it on the site.

And once more, if you're in or near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, come and visit us this weekend at Pittsburgh Comicon.


Meet the new Hellcats

Bella Poster.jpgYesterday's comic introduced three new Cosmic Hellcats, Sven, Vixen and Bella. Like the original Hellcats (and the Starfoxes) Vixen and Bella are designed based on real life models that I've worked with as a photographer. Both girls are scheduled to appear with Max and myself (and other Hellcat models) at Pittsburgh comicon this coming weekend. So come on down if you can make it. And if you can't, well, here's a look at what you'll be missing.

You might notice that the girls are wearing slightly different uniforms in their photos than they (and Damsel) are wearing in the current story arc. Well, keep reading because all will be explained soon.

In any case, I certainly hope to see as many people there as possible. We'll be selling the new book and signing that and merchandise and the girls will be posing for photos.

Keep an eye on this space for more new features to come.


Vixen Poster.jpg

Preparing for Pittsburgh Comicon 2011

fallout_shelter-1.jpgMax and I are preparing for Pittsburgh Comicon 2011. If you're in Pittsburgh, or near it and you love comics, you should definitely come by and meet us. We'll be selling and signing our new book (Last Year's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Doomsday) as well as all of the old ones and doing sketches and other fun things like that. We'd love to meet you.

Also, if you've seen us at Pittsburgh Comicon before, you know that you'll also have a chance to meet and get your picture taken with some of the real live Cosmic Hellcats. And we may have another surprise or two in the works as well. So if you have a chance and you are able, please come on by our booth and say hi.

The show starts this Friday and goes til Sunday at the Monroeville Convention Center. For details see


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