announcements: May 2008 Archives

Hidden Details in our comics

Sometimes Max and I like to throw little in-jokes or sight gags in the comic. They're actually all over the first issue of the book if you care to look for them (still available, in two different versions, from the Hellcats Bookstore, order yours today! End Cheap Plug). There have been a couple in the webcomic as well. Sometimes they're really subtle or even really really inside and only we'd get them. Other times, they're there for anyone who cares to see them.

There was one we wanted to do today, but no one would ever notice it because we don't publish the webcomics at high enough resolution to make it legible, so I thought I'd point out the warning label on Chaste's giant gun in today's comic. Max actually came up with the text here, so full credit goes to him on this one. I just added it to the gun when I was doing the coloring and lettering. You can see the text more clearly by clicking on this image, but if you still can't read it, it says:

WARNING: The Federated Union of Confederated Kingdoms declaration 187352-97B has categorized the use of this weapon as a Class 3 War Crime except in extraordinary circumstances outlined in section 14b R7 of Federated Union of Confederated Kingdoms Declaration 165432-44D. Operators are advised to file request for Authorization of Excessive Destructive Force under code 6786453-J of the Transdimensional Interstellar Tranquility Squadron Charter

See, you always have to pay attention. We're so clever...  or bored... I'm not sure which.

Max and Mav presenting Hellcats at art show

Chaste Black Poster.jpg
Max and I are going to be appearing at the "Good and Evil" show at Pittsburgh's Creative Treehouse displaying photos from the Hellcats photoshoot as well as the comic.

If you're in Pittsburgh or near here, by all means stop by and buy a print or a signed book. Should be a blast.

This is an 18 and over show, and BYOB. There will be live bands. I've presented my photography at these shows before and they're generally quite fun. So if you're not busy Saturday night then please come on by.

And if you are busy. Well, cancel your plans. We're much cooler than whatever you were going to be doing anyway.

When: May 17, 2008
Where: Creative Treehouse
           517 Lincoln Avenue
           Bellevue, PA 15202
Time: 8pm to 12am
Cost: $5
18 and Over Show
BYOB w/proper ID

Hope to see you there.
Amaya Black Poster.jpg
Damsel Black Poster.jpg
Sarah Black Poster.jpg

Sketchbook Now Open!

The sketchbook now has sketches in it. (Click thumbnails for bigger pics). Feel free to perform the dance of joy.



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