April 2009 Archives





Lazy sunday webcomic reviews

In the process of learning to become a hot, successful webcomicker, I spend a lot of time looking for other comics to enjoy and learn from. Sadly, there are thousands to choose from and it's surprisingly rare how often I find one that captures my interest. Here are a couple awesome exceptions that I've found over the last few weeks.

Like too many webcomics, this is the story of a couple of kids who like video games. However, it's funnier than most I've run across. The characters are cute and likeable and personally I appreciate their love of coffee, when in other places so often the love of beer is glorified. I'm more of a coffee guy. There are also lots of ninjas and pirates, so that doesn't hurt. I've thoroughly enjoyed the story and can't wait for what happens next--but I have to, because the one flaw of Paradox Lost is that it doesn't update super-regularly and seems to be in the midst of a long gap at the moment. Still, I recommend visiting the webcomic list and subscribing to Paradox Lost so you can be notified when it does update. (And while you're at it, why not subscribe to Cosmic Hellcats, too? :)

If you read far enough into Paradox Lost, you will see some spectacular artwork.

It's not often that I actually LOL when reading comics, but Precocious is seriously funny. It follows the exploits of a bunch of gifted school children who for no particular reason happen to be animals (just like the Hellcats!) The characters are awesomely adorable and the stories are very engaging. I don't think I've enjoyed a comic strip this much since Bill Watterson retired. Seriously, go read it.

Here's the link to subscribe at TWCL, which I am apparently also plugging, since it's the site I use to keep track of the comics I read.















Help Make Hellcats more popular

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Just today my mother (who the debuting character of Admiral Kitty is based on) asked me how to vote to make the comic more popular.

If my own mother doesn't understand that, then I figure we're really in trouble. So I decided maybe it was time to remind people. The four buttons across the top of the main page of this site show our ranking on various webcomic ranking sites. If you click on them, you make us more popular and thus we can make more money and then bring you more comics. Everyone wins!

Each site has a slightly different voting mechanism.

  • The Web Comic List - Is a comic management system. Just by clicking the button, you improve our rank. Once there you can create an account if you want, and favorite Hellcats, and other comics and it'll let you know when they update and give you recommendations for other comics you might enjoy. (if you mark us as a favorite, our rank improves even more, and it's better at recommending other comics to you).
  • Webcomic Planet - Another webcomic management system. Works like the first. Click to improve our rank and create an account and favorite us to improve us even further and get recommendations.�
  • Webcomiz - Is a webcomic voting system. It has some management features, but you need to click then enter in a CAPTCHA to prove you're a real person. It's less about personal recommendations and more just about telling you what's popular.�
  • Top Web Comics - Another voting system, this time with an avatar based CAPTCHA.

Voting on Top Web Comics and Webcomic Planet will give you access to a different Hellcats bonus page everytime you vote. Sadly, the other don't allow that option, but still, its good for us, and that makes it good for you.

So go ahead and make sure you vote for us on each one once per day. And tell all your friends to come here and read the comic and vote too. The sooner we're getting 1 million views a day, the sooner Max and I can quit our day jobs and start working on an animated Hellcats cartoon! Wouldn't that be great?

OH! And be sure to come back Saturday for the debut of our new weekly side comic feature!




Updates Mondays and Thursdays...And Saturdays?

We've got something special planned soon--as soon as Saturday, assuming we can get some technical issues worked out by then.

For a while now, Mav and I have wanted to add a third strip to our weekly output. But given the time it takes to draw/color/letter a strip, and the fact that we have day jobs, it's just not practical, at least without severely compromising the quality of the strip, which we refuse to do. We thought about doing one in black and white, with a stadard 4-panel daily type format, as a parallel storyline, but that would be nearly as much work and it would be hard to tell a story with just four panels per week.

Then the thought came to me today (with a big "duh"), what about a single panel cartoon, a la The Far Side? It would be free from the constraints of an ongoing story, so we'd be able to visit characters we haven't seen in a while, explore other aspects of the Hellcats universe, and (hopefully) come up with some good gags that aren't really available in the context of the main story.

So we're going to give it a try. If all goes according to plan, Cosmic Hellcat Adventures will continue to publish Monday and Thursday, and on Saturday we'll add...the new cartoon. Whatever it's called. We were thinking, "Cosmic Hellcat Universe," or "Cosmic Hellcat Vignettes," but we haven't yet found a title that we really like. Any suggestions?



Mav and Sarah in Adventureland

9-30-07 (9-30-87?)
Originally uploaded by chrismaverick
So back before there was a Cosmic Hellcats, I was just a photographer. One lucky enough to be friends with some of the hottest models ever. Those models became the Hellcats. But before they were the Hellcats, they were my friends.

So one day Sarah called me out of the blue and asked me if I'd like to dress up in 80s clothes and go and audition to be extras in a movie. I had the day free so we did. And we nailed it.

That movie, Adventureland comes out tomorrow (the movie poster on this image is a fake that we put together that day just to commemorate the audition). So everyone should go see it and see if they can spot us. And if you do come back here and let us know.

Also, remember when Sarah used to write her Ask Sarah! column? She stopped because people stopped writing her questions. I'd love to see that come back. So if you have a question about love, science, the universe or sex, then please write her at asksarah@cosmichellcats.com. You know you want to.



Support Cosmic Hellcats

Vote For Webcomic - Cosmic Hellcats
The Webcomic List ComicRank.com

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